3,500 Years of Israelite Presence in the Promised Land

Always there and always returning to the Land of Israel

The Story of the Bible Written in Stone

Archaeological Proof of the Biblical Narrative and the People of Israel in the Land of Israel for over 3,000 years

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Story of the Flood

G ilgamesh Epic Tablet 
The Mesopotamian account strongly paralleling the Biblical narrative of the Flood mentioning the release of  a raven and a dove.

Priestly Blessing

Engraved Silver Amulet:​ 
Earliest inscription from the Hebrew Bible dating back to the time of Jeremiah. “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you…” 
Numbers 6:24-25.

 Name of G-d (Y-H-V-H)

Moabite Stone: 
"Omri was the king of Israel… I took the vessels of Y-H-V-H…

King David

Tel Dan Stele:
Empirical proof of King David and the Davidic dynasty, erected by King Hazael of Aram, c. 840 BCE

Prophet Isaiah

Bulla (Seal Impression):
Seal Impression inscribed with the name “Yesha‘yah[u],” Hebrew for “Isaiah,” followed by the word “nvy" (prophet).

Egypt Mentions Israel

Merneptah Stele:
Egypt mentions Israel 1207 BCE.

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Courtesy Eilat Mazar

The Seal Impression of Isaiah 
the Prophet
c. 745-686 BCE

Isaiah 1:1
The prophecies of Isaiah son of Amoz, who prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Found in 2015 by Eilat Mazar and the Ophel Excavations at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount, the seal impression is inscribed with the name “Yesha‘yah[u],” Hebrew for “Isaiah,” followed by the word “nvy.” Part of the seal is broken off, but “nvy” might be an incomplete word that was once followed by the Hebrew letter aleph. If so, the seal would spell out the Hebrew word for prophet. 

The Seal of Isaiah the Prophet circa 745-686 BCE  

In this picture is a clay seal impression or bulla, that was found in 2015 by archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar during the Ophel Excavations at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount. The seal is inscribed with the name “Yesha‘yah[u],” Hebrew for “Isaiah,” followed by the letters nun-bet-yud. Part of the seal is broken off, but these three letters might be an incomplete word that was once followed by the Hebrew letter aleph. If so, the seal would spell out [נביא] the Hebrew word for prophet. 


Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, 1955

“Only a people who lives in its own land will be able to know, understand and discover its hidden treasures.”
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Natan Sharansky Endorsement

"This site is a unique instrument using archaeology and history to connect you with the daily life of the Jewish people. It's a unique window to the thousands of years of us fighting for the Land of Israel, living in the Land of Israel, influencing the life of the world through our life in the Land of Israel."
- Natan Sharansky

Isaiah by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel

Isaiah 62:1

"For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet…"